The last will and testament of Adam Brandt dec'd} The last will and testament of Adam Brandt of Monroe Township, Cumberland County, State of Pennsylvania. I, Adam Brandt, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory, blessed be God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner following. First It is my will and I do order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be done after my decease. Second It is my will and I do order and direct that my son David shall have the mortgage I now hold against him for eight hundred dollars released to him for its value without interest, which with charges against him in my book shall be deducted from his share of my real and personal estate. Thirdly It is my will that my son Jacob Brandt shall have and his heirs and assigns forever, one hundred and forty seven acres and thirty three perches of land in Greenfield Township, Fairfield County, State of Ohio, which I value at four dollars per acre (for which I paid) and charged him with in my book, together with other charges in said Book, which he the said Jacob is to account for and which is to be deducted out of his share of my real and personal estate. Fourthly It is my will that my son Adam Brandt shall have the land he now holds by deed of conveyance from me, in Fairfield County Ohio, which amount is charged in my book, which charge with other charges in said book is to be deducted out of his share of my real and personal estate as well as the mortgage I hold against him to be taken at its amount without interest. Fifthly I do give and bequeath to my son Martin an equal share of all my real and personal estate deducting from his share the whole amount that remains charged against him in my book. Sixthly I do give and bequeath unto my son John and his heirs and assigns all that tract of land whereon he now resides in the County of Cumberland Pennsylvania (it being the mansion tract) containing one hundred and thirty four [acres] and one hundred and three perches (more or less) which I order to be valued at forty five dollars per acre, and he to pay the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars yearly according to an article of agreement dated the second day of February A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between me and my son John and now in the hands of John Brandt miller reserving to himself in said tract of land, his full share of all my real and personal estate, which is to be equal with my other sons, deducting therefore the amount he stands charged with in my book. Seventhly I do give and bequeath to my daughter Barbara now intermarried with Jacob Pentz the land they now hold in the State of Ohio, Fairfield County, the deeds of conveyance from me, the amount of which they stand with me in my book, which charge with other charges in said book is to be deducted from the share of my daughter Barbara as herein after mentioned. Eightly I do give and bequeath to my daughter Eve now intermarried with George Bielman an equal share of my real and personal estate as herein after mentioned deducting therefrom the amount charged her in my book to be paid in cash out of the first proceeds of my property. Ninethly It is my will that the amount of each of my daughters legacy shall be two thousand six hundred and sixty one dollars, and that the legacy of each of my sons shall be three thousand and sixty dollars, and if my estate as aforesaid shall amount to more than enough to pay the same then the surplus to be divided equally among all my children, but if it should not amount to enough to pay the sums before specified as legacies, then it is to be divided in the same way allowing my sons each four hundred dollars more than either of my daughters. Tenthly, In addition to the above bequests, I do will to my daughter Eve my large Bible, and to my grand-daughter Francis Brownawell my eight day clock, without charge in either case. Eleventhly It is also my will that all my personally shall be sold immediately after my decease. Twelfthly It is also my will that there shall be no interest charged from any of my children on any book account, note or otherwise. And lastly I do nominate and appoint my son-in-law George Beilman to be my whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other wills or bequests by me heretofore made and declaiming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty fifth day of March A.D. eighteen hundred and thirty seven AD 1837.
Adam Brandt (seal)