Saturday, June 29, 2013

James Henry Luther Irvin (1862 - 1941)

James Henry Luther Irvin was born on May 7, 1862 in Fannettsburg, Metal Township, Franklin County, PA. His parents, John Andrew and Margaret Karn Irvin, had at least five children before James. His baptism was recorded on November 8, 1862 at Fannettsburg Presbyterian Church.
James married Ida Catherine Rossman Bock in either 1878 or 1880. In either case, husband and wife were very young. The young couple took residence with Ida's parents, David Taylor and Eliza Rossman Bock, as shown in the 1880 Federal Census. The term 'shot-gun wedding' comes to mind. If this label applied to James and Ida, then the 1880 birth of Bessie Mae may have provided the motivation for such a young union. James became a father on his 18th birthday. 
In the ensuing years, James and Ida produced ten more children. The family lived for sometime in or near Fannettsburg. By the time of the 1900 Federal Census, James brought the family to Chambersburg. James found employment as a laborer for the railroad and, later, for a foundry.
The Chambersburg years were marked with tragedy. His son, Harvey, was crippled at work in 1908 when struck by a train car. Another son, George "Mack", disappeared on a hunting trip in 1909, only to be found dead several years later. And in 1915, Ida passed away three weeks after being paralyzed by a stroke. 
James spent the subsequent years residing with his daughters in Shippensburg and finding work as a day laborer on nearby orchards. He alternated between the homes of of his daughters, Bessie Rockwell and Margaret Gossert. He lived in Harrisburg at the time of the 1930 Federal Census, but he returned to Shippensburg by the end of 1933. He remained with Margaret until his death. Jean Eshenman, a great-granddaughter, remembers that during this time, "He sat on his chair and watched the world go by." Surely, that was his right after parenting and providing for 11 children during hard times.
James died on his birthday in 1941. 

The Children of James and Ida Irvin

1. Bessie Mae (m. George Rockwell) 1880-1963
2. John Alexander (m. Elizabeth Grace Coble) 1881-1965
3. Harvey Rossman (m. Gertrude Jacobs) 1883-1939
4. William Russell (m. Bessie Peoples) 1885-1948
5. Wilmer Harry (m. Nora Hollinger) 1887-1946
6. Welthey Jane (m. William Oscar Rummel) 1890-1955
7. Margaret (m. Charles Gossert) 1892-1960
8. George "Mack" McClellan 1895-1909
9. Mabel Elizabeth (m. Andrew Peters) 1897-1929
10. Ralph R (m. Ethel Manuel) 1899-1966
11. Grace Marian (m. Martin Shipley) 1906-1979

4 Generations of Irvins

Standing: John Richard Irvin & Wilmer Irvin
Seated: James Irvin & baby

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