Though we now know very little about Uncle Harvey, we have not forgotten his missing limb. It has often been said that Uncle Harvey walked on a peg leg. Recollection of the mishap that disabled Uncle Harvey has long since faded. Here, to help keep alive our memory of Harvey Rossman Irvin, is the account of the unfortunate and tragic incident as it appeared in a Chambersburg newspaper.
The Franklin Repository, Chambersburg PA
January 8, 1908
Page 2
Date of event: Friday January 3, 1908
Brakeman Irvin Injured in Yards at this Place
Thrown Under Heavy Engine and Run Over - Taken To Hospital Where Injuries Were Attended to.
About 6 o'clock Friday morning Harvey Irvin, of Loudon street, a freight brakeman on the C.V.R.R., met with an accident in the yards at this place, which cost him his right leg.Irvin is a brakeman on one of the coal trains running between Chambersburg and Martinsburg. Friday morning he was at the coal chute where his engine was being coaled preparatory to going out on its run. He was standing on the west bound track while a freight was passing into the yard on the east bound track. Irvin failed to notice freight No. 81 pulling out on the track on which he was standing. He was knocked to the side of the track and the engine had passed over his right foot and lower part of the leg. He was picked up by some other employees, placed on engine 87 and taken to Market street, where the ambulance conveyed him to the hospital.
It was found that the foot and leg were so badly crushed that amputation just below the knee was necessary. At last reports he was doing well.
Irvin is well known in town having been a motorman on the C. & G. trolley.
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